Visual Implicit Profiler

Building High-Performing Cross-Cultural Teams

Effective communication is a critical skill, and its importance is amplified when leading a multicultural team. Although international work highlights shared cultural commonalities, it also reveals unique communication challenges that arise from bringing people together from diverse backgrounds. Successfully navigating communication challenges is essential when assembling a team of various cultures.

In today's globalised workplace, diversity is a significant asset. A multicultural team brings a wealth of perspectives, fuelling creativity and enhancing collective problem-solving capabilities. However, managing cross-cultural teams effectively involves overcoming specific challenges. Misunderstandings, conflicts, and productivity dips often result from differences in communication styles, values, and expectations. These issues are common hurdles faced by many organisations.

Cross-cultural teams face common challenges:

  1. Communication Barriers: Communication norms vary significantly between cultures. For example, what is considered direct and assertive in one culture might come off as rude or aggressive in another. Non-verbal signals also differ, leading to possible misinterpretations. In some cultures, eye contact might be seen as a sign of confidence while in others it may be viewed as confrontational or disrespectful.
  2. Conflicting Values: Cultural values regarding time, hierarchy, individualism versus collectivism, and decision making can clash, causing tension and disagreements if not addressed proactively. For example, some cultures might prioritise punctuality and strict scheduling, while others may have a more flexible approach to time management. Furthermore, hierarchical structures can influence decision-making processes, where some cultures expect decisions to be made by leaders, while in others a democratic approach may be preferred.
  3. Different Work Styles: Work preferences are deeply influenced by cultural norms. Some cultures prefer a structured, hierarchical approach, while others lean towards a more flexible, collaborative style. These differences can lead to conflicts and inefficiencies within the team. For example, a team member from a culture that values autonomy and initiative could clash with a colleague from a culture that emphasises collective decision-making and consensus.
  4. Unconscious Bias: Unconscious biases can influence how team members perceive and interact with each other, hindering collaboration, and potentially creating a hostile environment. These biases can influence how team members perceive and interact with one another, hindering collaboration and potentially creating a hostile environment. These biases can manifest themselves in various ways, from assumptions about competence based on accent or appearance to different interpretations of assertiveness and passivity.

Mission Team's Approach to Cross-Cultural Team Building

Mission Team, a leading provider of team-building solutions, understands these challenges well and offers a unique approach to help organisations build cohesive and high-performing cross-cultural teams.

  1. The Implicit Profiler: This tool helps people understand their own unconscious perception, decision-making, and communication styles. Our profiler has been field tested and scientifically validated for work in all cultures. Gaining this self-awareness is crucial to cultivating empathy and respect among team members from various backgrounds. By revealing unconscious biases and preferences, team members can better appreciate each other’s perspectives and avoid misunderstandings.
  2. Customised Team-Building Programmes: Mission Team’s VIP and team-building process helps identify the strengths and communication dynamics of each team. Through VIP and facilitated discussions in the workshop, team members gain insight into their own and others' cultural perspectives, learn effective communication strategies, develop skills for resolving conflicts constructively, and understand how their strengths can best be pooled in the team. These programmes are tailored to address specific team dynamics, ensuring that the strategies taught are relevant and practical for the participants

The support of the Mission Team extends beyond initial training, offering ongoing assistance to ensure lasting impact. Continuous engagement with teams helps reinforce the skills learnt and provides a platform for addressing any emerging challenges. This ongoing support is vital to maintaining the progress achieved during the initial workshops and ensuring that the team continues to evolve and adapt.

The Impact of Mission Team's Approach

Organisations that have partnered with the Mission Team have reported significant improvements in cross-cultural team performance. By fostering greater self-awareness, empathy, and communication skills, Mission Team's approach helps teams:

  • Reduce misunderstandings and conflicts: Enhanced cultural understanding leads to clearer communication and fewer misunderstandings. Teams are better equipped to navigate cultural nuances and prevent minor issues from escalated to significant conflicts.
  • Increase productivity: Improved collaboration and trust result in increased efficiency and productivity. Teams that communicate effectively and work harmoniously can focus more on their tasks and deliver better results.
  • Create a more inclusive and welcoming environment: Addressing unconscious biases and promoting cultural appreciation create a more inclusive workplace where all team members feel valued and respected. An inclusive environment encourages participation and innovation, as team members feel more comfortable sharing their ideas and perspectives.


With more than 17 years of experience, Mission Team has honed a unique science-driven methodology to unlock the full potential of teams. Leveraging cutting-edge research and proven techniques, we dive into your team's communication styles, preferences, and dynamics, empowering your team to communicate effectively, collaborate seamlessly, and achieve peak performance.

Building high-performing cross-cultural teams is undoubtedly challenging, but it is a challenge worth embracing for the numerous benefits diversity brings. Mission Team's innovative approach offers a proven solution for organisations seeking to build truly inclusive and effective teams. By combining our Visual Implicit Profiler, which uncovers unconscious biases, with tailored team-building workshops and ongoing support, we address the unique dynamics of cross-cultural collaboration. This comprehensive approach promotes greater understanding, improves communication, and promotes a more inclusive and successful team environment.

The long-term success of cross-cultural teams depends on continuous learning and adaptation. As global interactions become more common, the ability to navigate cultural differences will only grow in importance. The Mission Team’s approach ensures that organisations are not just reacting to challenges but proactively building the skills needed for sustained success in a diverse world.

Ready to transform your team communication? Contact the Mission Team today to learn more about our Communication Style Workshop and begin your journey toward building a high-performing, cross-cultural team.

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