Empower the people in your Team

The most innovative way to do: team development, onboarding, leadership transitions, project kickoffs & more.
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Where Mission Team Is Working

The most advanced tool for Teams + People


Personalised Profile

We understand how you communicate and work best by using a scientific Visual Implicit Profiler (VIP).


Mission Team Workshop

An engaging workshop helps teams discover their strengths, preferred roles, and communication preferences.


Team Profile

Get real data and insights on how to best work with your team.

Mission Team makes it easy to get the best out of people.

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Everything your team needs to
make your team successful

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Regular Plan

For individual teams and small businesses

/ Team Member
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Personal Profiling Tool
As a basis for discussion, before the workshop starts, participants evaluate their strengths and their potential.
Mission Team Workshop
Collaborate on a state of the art 14 step workshop with your team.
Team Profile & Insights
You get a personalised Mission Team profile maps your team & their strengths.
Team Communication Preferences
Clear up all communication gaps by mapping them out in our framework!
Team Strengths
Each person is unique. Understand how to unlock everyones potential
Booster Sessions
Need quick sessions for specific teams get in an effective 20 minute session!


Unlimited Access

For growing teams and organisations

Custom Pricing
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No contracts. No commitments. Guaranteed results.*
* For teams that focus on people.

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Latest trends & insights

Team Building

Why Traditional ‘Team Building’ activities don’t work

Visual Implicit Profiler

Why you should not do a personality test

Visual Implicit Profiler

Do we really know ourselves?